Call for Papers for AAPS Journal

Dear Colleagues and Fellow AAPS Members:

Our Association published its own journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice (APJP&CJ), between 2003 and 2011. For a variety of reasons, it has remained dormant for the intervening period. During the fall of 2017, and following the annual meeting of AAPS in Thailand, the Secretary General, Dr. Yulan (Sandy) Yeh, asked us to consider resurrecting the journal.

With the approval of Sandy Yeh, concurred by AAPS Advisor Dr. Charles Chang, a transition team of Hsiao-Ming Wang, Judith Harris, and Jurg Gerber was appointed to plan the resurrection of the journal. Subsequently, Jurg Gerber has been named Editor-in-Chief, Hsiao-Ming Wang Senior Editor, and Judith Harris Executive Editor. The journal’s editorial offices will be located jointly at the University of Houston-Downtown and Sam Houston State University and an Editorial Board is currently being assembled. The current goal is to publish one volume per year, with about 5-8 articles. The journal is to be peer-reviewed and published primarily as an electronic journal (but authors will receive a hard copy).

We are now pleased to announce a call for papers for volume 10 of the APJP&CJ. Our plan is to publish this issue during the summer or fall of 2018. While we do not have a firm deadline, we ask you to send us your manuscripts by April 30, 2018, to receive full consideration for volume 10. Papers that are submitted after this date will be considered for volume 11, tentatively scheduled to be published during spring 2019.

We would like to encourage presenters at the annual meeting of AAPS in Thailand to consider APJP&CJ as an outlet for their unpublished manuscripts, although all papers that are consistent with the editorial statement will be considered:

Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice publishes theoretical papers, conceptual papers, empirical research, in-depth literature reviews, and comparative studies that significantly contribute to the knowledge of police and criminal justice in the Asia-Pacific region. Practitioners and policy-makers also are encouraged to submit articles focusing on new ideas, new policies, and the evaluation of innovative strategies. Analytical book reviews will also be considered for publication.

We will only accept original manuscripts that have not been published or are under review by other journals. Manuscripts should be less than 35 pages including text and all tables, references, and so on. Manuscripts must comply with American Psychological Association guidelines for documentation and referencing.


Submit manuscripts to any of us at the e-mail addresses listed. We look forward to hearing from you soon.



Jurg Gerber Hsiao-Ming Wang Judith Harris
Editor-in-Chief Senior Editor Executive Editor
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]