Eligible Manuscripts
Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice publishes theoretical papers, conceptual papers, empirical research, in-depth literature review, and comparative studies that significantly contribute to the knowledge of police and criminal justice in the Asia-Pacific region. Practitioners and policy-makers also are encouraged to submit articles focusing on new ideas, new policies, and the evaluation of innovative strategies. Analytical book reviews will also be considered for publication. We will accept only original manuscripts that were not published or are not under review by other journals. As long as your manuscript is in the review process, you must not submit it elsewhere.
Submission Method
Please submit your manuscript via e-mail as an attachment to Sunghoon Roh, Editor-in-Chief at [email protected]. Manuscripts submitted electronically must be in the original word processing format, and saved as either a MS Word file (*.doc, *.docx) or a Rich Text Format file (*.rtf).
Editorial Policies
Manuscripts must be in English, double-spaced with references, tables, and figures on separate pages. Manuscripts should not exceed 35 pages including the abstract, notes, tables, figures, appendices, references, and other material. The authors’ names should not appear on any place of the manuscript except the title page and the biographical sketch page to maintain anonymity during the review process.
Formatting the Manuscript
Manuscripts must comply with American Psychological Association’s (APA) guidelines for documentation and referencing. The order of the manuscript should be as below.
Title page
The title page should include: a) the title, b) the authors’ full names with degrees, c) current affiliations, d) contacts of the corresponding author including phone/fax number and E-mail address.
Abstract page
The title page should be followed by the abstract page, which consists of an abstract, keyword. The abstract must provide the main idea, your key points, the method applied in the study and the major findings (if applicable), and any implications of the research using approximately 100 – 150 words. Under the abstract, list 3-5 keywords for indexing.
Biographical sketch page
Include a biographical sketch of each author. It should be no more than 50 words in length.
Main text
- Headings
- First-level: Centered and capitalized
- Second-level: Centered, uppercase and lowercase heading
- Third-level: Flush left, italicized, uppercase and lowercase heading
- Fourth-level: Indented, italicized, lowercase
Variables and Measures
Dependant Variables
Job satisfaction - Citations
- In-text direct citation
Bursik (1986) argued that social disorganization could result from the dynamics of political decision-making processes. - In-text indirect citation
Racial profiling has also been shown to be largely ineffective with regard to the wars on crime, drugs, and terrorism (Robinson, 2005). - Short quotation
Kandel (2002) wrote that the gateway hypothesis is “based on … sequencing of initiation of use between drug classes, and association in the use of drugs such that use of a drug lower in the sequence increases the risk of using drugs higher in the sequence” (p. 4). - Long quotation
Baldassare (1986) described the image of a typical suburb as the following:
Suburbia is supposed to be a white middle class settlement. Households are to be filled with two parents and two or more children. Their homes are owned or, more accurately, mortgaged. The inhabitants are surrounded with automobiles, appliances, and luxuries. One adult, the male is working, and the other adult, the female, is engaged in housekeeping and child rearing. (p. 30) - A work two authors
- Taylor and Hale (1986) suggested three models of fear of crime.
- People with greater fear of crime….the quality in a neighborhood (Taylor & Hale, 1986).
- A work by three to five authors
Cite all the authors by their last names when it appears first time. In subsequent citations, use only the first author’s last name followed by “et al.”- The variation of findings of studies on racial profiling is likely attributable in part due to different locations studied and the level of law enforcement studied (Parker, MacDonald, Alpert, Smith, & Piquero, 2004).
- Parker et al. (2004) found that….
- A work by six or more authors
Use the first author’s name followed by “et al” all the times.
In spite of such seemingly consistent findings, other studies have found less or no evidence of racial profiling (Smith et al., 2004). - Two or more works in the same parentheses
Arrange the works as ordered in the reference page.
They argue that residential areas are not allocated based on a natural market competition, but are distributed by some advantaged groups’ willingness to preserve the monopoly of particular areas by segregating people who have different characteristics (Logan et al., 1996; Massey & Denton, 1988; South & Crowler, 1997). - Two or more works by the same author in the same year
Use lower case letters such as “a,” “b,” and so on.- Sampson (1999a)
- (Sampson, 1999b)
- In-text direct citation
Notes must be used only for providing supplement or substantive information. To acknowledge the source of quotations, please use citations within the text instead of notes. When you use notes, insert consecutive superscript numbers in the text, group all the notes in a separate page after the text, and entitle the page “NOTES.” Since notes make editing difficult, a parsimonious use is recommended.
Reference page
This journal follows the APA reference style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). The reference page must be placed in a separate section after the text and entitled, “REFERENCES.” Include all the works cited in the text. Arrange the references in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author.
Bostaph, L. (2007). Race and repeats: The impact of officer performance on racially biased policing. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35, 405-417.
Hope, T. (1994). Problem-oriented policing and drug market locations: Three case studies. In R.V. Clarke (Ed.), Crime prevention studies: Vol. 2 (pp. 5-31). Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press.
Lichtblau, E. (2005, December 5). Profiling report leads to a demotion. The New York Times, p. C4.
Logan, J. R., Alba, R. D., & Leung, S. (1996a). Minority access to white suburbs: A multi-region comparison. Social Forces, 74, 851-881.
Mon, W. (1997). Community and crime prevention. The Chinese Public Administration Review, 7, 181–210.
Paulsen, D., & Robinson, M. (2004). Spatial aspects of crime: Theory and practice. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Pyo, C. W. (1998). Crime watch UK and the police. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Hankuk Publishing Company.
Roh, S., & Oliver, W. M. (2005). Effects of community policing upon fear of crime: Understanding the causal linkage, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 28, 670-683.
U.S. Census Bureau. (2004). 2000 Census of population and housing, Summary file 3: Technical documentation. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Weiss, A., & Grumet-Morris, V. (2006). Illinois traffic stops statistics study, 2005 annual report. Retrieved January 6, 2007, from http://www.dot.state.il.us/trafficstop/2005annualreport.pdf
Tables and figures
Place all the tables and figures at the end of the manuscript right after the references in consecutive order as shown in the text. Identify the desirable locations of the tables and figures in the text by marking them with a proper notice (e.g. “Insert Table 1 about here”). All the tables and figures must be cited and discussed in the text.
Place appendices (if any) at the end of the manuscript.
Download -> Manuscript Submission Guidelines.pdf